Wondering which is the best subscription free TV service will best suit your needs in Bridgend?
With freeview you'll need a TV aerial fitted to receive terrestrial channels broadcast from ground based TV transmitters. Once you have your TV aerial you can then add extra TV points around your home. All TV's have freeview built in so no need for extra boxes, just plug in your aerial cable & tune in, simple!
There are a good range of channels available on freeview all of which you can receive on freesat, so why go for freeview? Freeview is usually the cheapest option as not all TV's have Freesat built in.
Freesat is the best option if you live in an area where you can't receive broadcasts from main FULL freeview transmitters. Local repeater transmitters only broadcast a limited number of channels so if you live in this type of area then you may want to consider a freesat satellite dish system due to the small number of channels available.
So freeview & freesat both have pros & cons but will give you pretty much the same end results.
If you need any more information & advice don't hesitate to get in touch!